We are so very excited that you have joined us on this journey to healthy, strong, undeniably Christian family living. Our desire as pastors is to see you grow in all areas of your life. To that end, 40 Days of Family was birthed several years ago with our first campaign in 2010.

In GENESIS 1:27-28 (ERV), it is written, “So God created humans in His own image. He created them to be like Himself. He created them male and female. God blessed them and said to them, “Have many children. Fill the earth and take control of it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the air. Rule over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

If we “do family” God’s way, then victory is inevitable. So let’s decide collectively, that victory is the only option for our families. Commit now to engage in all prescribed activities, to communicate openly and honestly in your family devotions and small group meetings, and to encourage your family members to have fun.

Be sure to read the 40 Days commitment form, recite the 40 Days of Family Confession and sign and date the form. This covenant will stand as a promise to your family to give the campaign your all. We encourage you to post it in a place visible to all family members as a reminder that, together, you are committed to total victory.

In this campaign, we want everyone to have a great time discovering God’s plan for themselves, families, and the ones they love the most. So keep our 40 Days of Family Campaign and your group’s planned activities at the forefront of your calendar.

Our heartfelt desire is that at the end of these 40 days your family would have been refreshed, refueled and ready to take hold of all God’s promises. Stay connected during the campaign by regularly visiting this page and our other social media outlets.



Here are a few things you must do to make your 40 Days of Family experience great:

1. JOIN us for Corporate Worship each Sunday, September 26th – October 31st (10:30a.m.) for a family-focused message. Message handouts will be provided for each service. Online participants may print handouts from the list below.

2. COME each Wednesday evening at 7:00pm for Praise & Worship, a brief family message, and Small Group breakout sessions with activities designed to focus on the topic of the week. Group leader and participant worksheets are available for download in the top section of this page.  (Previous materials available upon request.)

3. PARTICIPATE in your Small Group’s social activities.

4. COMMIT to daily devotion time with your entire family. You choose when and where. The reading plan can be downloaded above.

5. COMPLETE the Campaign Family Activities designed to reinforce each component of F.A.M.I.L.Y. Take pictures and/or create videos highlighting your participation in the campaign.

6. FOLLOW and SHARE your campaign adventures on the various social media outlets available using the following hashtags: #40daysoffamily #myfamilywins #egcc #wewin

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