A: Because the Bible says that "ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God." - Romans 3:23. It is NOT enough to be a GOOD PERSON. Our goodness does not negate sinful natures. We must all be “born again” if we are to live eternally with God.
A: The Bible says that “the wages of sin is death (eternal separation from God); but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." - Romans 6:23. To die without being saved will result in an eternity spent in hell, a place of great torment.
A: No. Jesus said "I am THE way, THE truth and THE life; no man comes to the Father (God) except by Me." -John 14:6. There is no other means of salvation. It was Jesus Christ that sacrificed His own life on the CROSS for our salvation. Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, and etc. are all false paths that will only lead to eternal death.
A: The Bible says that "if we confess Jesus Christ as Lord (of OUR lives) and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead" we would be saved. - Romans 10:9. We must turn away from sin, surrender our lives to Jesus Christ, and commit ourselves to live for Him and Him alone.
A: Acknowledge that you are a sinner.
B: Believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead.
C: Confess (declare) with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord of your life.
If you would like to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior, pray this prayer:
To let us know you've received Jesus Christ as your savior, click here to go to our Contact Page.
All of heaven is overflowing with joy because of the great decision you made to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. In order to help you enjoy the abundant life Jesus Christ promised in John 10:10, these are the next steps you need to take:
Acts 2:41 – “Those who ACCEPTED his message were BAPTIZED…”
After ACCEPTING (believing) the Gospel message, the next step in your Christian walk is BAPTISM. Baptism is an outward, visible expression of something that has taken place in your heart. Just as wedding rings and ceremonies are a statement to the world that two people are committed and joined to each other, baptism shows the world your commitment and union to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Baptism is NOT optional; it is commanded by Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19) and occurs AFTER one has been born again (Acts 2:38). Thus, baptism is a matter of obedience to the Lord Jesus!
Exceeding Grace Christian Center holds a Baptismal Celebration for all our New Believers. To schedule a baptism, click here
Acts 2:42 - “They DEVOTED themselves to the apostles teaching…”
Now that you have begun a new life in Jesus Christ, you need to learn His will and plan for your life (Jeremiah 29:11). Just as a quarterback cannot perform without knowing his play book, the believer will be unsuccessful without a working knowledge of God’s Word. Joshua 1:8 tells us to “meditate on (the Word) day and night, so that you may do what’s written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”
Notice that these new believers DEVOTED THEMSELVES to learning. Make the commitment to yourself to attend church regularly and learn as much as you possibly can about the Word of God.
Acts 2:42 - “They devoted themselves... to the FELLOWSHIP…”
People who start diet and exercise programs, or stop smoking generally find it much easier to do so with a partner. That’s because there is strength in numbers. The same applies to the Christian walk. Sure, you could make it by yourself, but we are designed to be together (1 Corinthians 12:12-27). The Bible tells us that when the family lives together in unity, it is good and pleasant, and brings a blessing from God (Psalm 133:1). Build Christian friendships that will help your growth and not hinder it.